AI responds to your leads 24/7 within seconds, so you never miss a chance to connect with a potential customer no matter what time it is.
Support your customers even when you are unavailable. Stramel Media's AI messaging bots convert missed calls into text chats, allowing you to schedule appointments, provide answers, and close deal fast.
Much like a receptionist, Stramel Media's AI handles calls when you're not available, ensuring you never miss a call. All missed calls and voicemail transcriptions are sent to your all-in-one inbox.
Review the voicemail transcript or listen to the audio, then proceed with the conversation via text in Stramel Media's all-in-one inbox.
See every caller’s conversation history in one timeline before responding to ensure no important information is overlooked.
Customize your voicemail message to ensure that every caller receives a consistent and professional impression, enhancing your business's image and customer satisfaction.
Get missed call notifications straight to your desktop and mobile phone so you can text back quickly to provide an amazing service.
Yes! We offer round-the-clock world-class support to assist you. Additionally, you can schedule a meeting with an account manager at your convenience to address all your inquiries.
Absolutely! We're so confident in our platform that we don't require any long-term contracts. You have the flexibility to cancel at any time.
Certainly, we offer connectivity with more than 200+ leading applications.
Yes, we have incredibly detailed guides and walk throughs inside and you'll also receive training and one-on-one onboarding to help you get started.
Stramel Media is the only comprehensive platform for customer experience that offers a range of products that scale with your business. Book a time to chat with a Product Specialist to see how Stramel Media can help impact your business.
Our all-in-one platform streamlines essential business tools into a single platform, enabling you to work more efficiently and accelerate growth.
Our all-in-one platform streamlines essential business tools into a single platform, enabling you to work more efficiently and accelerate growth.
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